Tuesday, January 27, 2009

O.K.  I just wrote a blog about all my activities and then didn't save it.  I don't feel like going into them all over again.  Let's just say that my life is flying by and sometimes I forget things like saving long posts.  It must be a sign that nobody wanted to read about them anyway...yeah why bore those you love with pressing matters in your life.  I would rather be like my sister-in-law, Elesa.  She can write paragraphs about nothing and it is quite enjoyable!  So this post is really about nothing, but if you want to really be entertained go to Elesa's.  {Even my neighbor admits to popping into your blog for entertainment...the pressure is on!}


elesa said...

But I want to read about all your actitivitivities! Hmm, did I spell that word right?

So we all really do care, whenever you have the time....

Buffy Dayton said...

Hey, I found your blog! How darling is it! And I do love that snowman a couple of posts down. I wished I could have made a cool snowman when I was little.