Monday, May 17, 2010

Yesterday...good day! We went down to the BYU Harris Fine Art Center where Kim was set apart as a high councelor for a BYU ward. It is a new move, but I am excited to be involved with some young BYU students. Just move to King Henry or apartments around 7 Peaks.

Also went to Seminary graduation. A great program! Three youth from our ward are graduating, but I know a lot of the youth from our stake...great kids!

President Holland was there too so also fun to talk with him. He sent greetings to my parents. Someday they will get together again?!

We move forward with faith and hope for our future! Adventures await.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How Exciting! I think that would be an awesome experience to work with the single adults. What a challenge, but something very different from a family ward calling. Good Luck to you all!!! Congrats Kim!